Our program follows the guidelines set out in the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework. The guidelines covers 5 key quality areas:

  • Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity
  • Outcome 2: children are connected with and contribute to their world
  • Outcome 3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing

  • Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners
  • Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators

Children Learn Through Play

Yarraleen Preschool encourages and supports all children’s learning and development. The staff carefully plan and supervise the programs around the children’s interest ensuring that they are engaged with their learning.

The children are free to choose the areas of interest in which they will engage in both individually and collaboratively;

The programs are designed to develop children’s skill in all developmental areas, physical, emotional, social, language and creativity through a variety of activities in both indoor and outdoor play.

Special experiences, such as visitors to the preschool, will be organised throughout the year. Examples of visitors to the preschool may include the local fire truck, ambulance or police car to visit, music and dance experiences, a photographer, or a visiting farm or wildlife incursion. These experiences enrich the learning program, and provide first hand opportunities for children to participate in special activities.

Our programs are designed to provide

  • Experiencing a safe, fun and engaging atmosphere that motivates each child to explore, discover, learn, and acquire skills for school readiness.

  • Experiencing socialisation opportunities that develop positive relationships with other children and teachers by learning to share, take turns, care, ask and invite.
  • Experiencing an enriching curriculum that has a specific emphasis on inclusive play- based learning, providing opportunities for children to learn as they discover, improvise, imagine and create; and
  • Being encouraged to problem solve, develop listening skills, persistence, cooperation, independence and organisation skills to help prepare for the journey of life long learning.

Our Preschool Offers

  • Quality 3 & 4 year old educational programs;
  • A fun, caring and nurturing environment;
  • A well-equipped and maintained centre;

  • Strong interaction and transition programs with local schools in preparation for starting school